NB: the 4th SubSeries of data is ommited because it features longitudinal data

Necessary packages

Please install the following packages that will be useful during this practical:

  • dplyr
  • flashClust
  • edgeR
  • limma
  • UpSetR

WARNING: some of those are from Bioconductor



This practicals will be based on the public data provided alongside the (Singhania et al. 2018) article on the Gene Expression Omnibus website data repository under the superserie accession number GSE107995 and that studied the transcriptional signature of active human tuberculosis (TB) infection.

Data Management

Public data import

0.a) first download both the raw and edgeR-normalized xlsx files from GEO for all 3 subseries:

  • GSE107991
  • GSE107992
  • GSE107993

0.b) read through the code below and try to understand the operation performed. In particular, have a look at the GSE107991_metadata object (tip: it is a S4 object, so use the @ operator)

# DATA ----
rm(list = ls())


London_norm <- read_excel("GSE107991_edgeR_normalized_Berry_London.xlsx")  # edgeR preprocessed
SouthAfrica_norm <- read_excel("GSE107992_edgeR_normalized_Berry_SouthAfrica.xlsx")
Leicester_norm <- read_excel("GSE107993_edgeR_normalized_Leicester_non_progressor_longitudnal_only.xlsx")  # raw counts
London_raw <- read_excel("GSE107991_Raw_counts_Berry_London.xlsx")  # raw counts
SouthAfrica_raw <- read_excel("GSE107992_Raw_counts_Berry_SouthAfrica.xlsx")  # raw counts
Leicester_raw <- read_excel("GSE107993_Raw_counts_Leicester_non_progressor_longitudnal_only.xlsx")  # raw counts

# metadata
GSE107991_metadata <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE107991", GSEMatrix = FALSE)  #London
GSE107992_metadata <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE107992", GSEMatrix = FALSE)  # SouthAfrica
GSE107993_metadata <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE107993", GSEMatrix = FALSE)  #Leicester

get_info <- function(i, meta) {
    name <- meta@gsms[[i]]@header$source_name_ch1
    name <- gsub("Active_TB", "ActiveTB", name)
    name <- gsub("Test_set", "TestSet", name)
    name <- gsub("Validation_set", "ValidationSet", name)
    name <- gsub("Non_progressor", "NonProgressor", name)
    res <- unlist(strsplit(name, split = "_"))
    res <- c(res, meta@gsms[[i]]@header$title)
infos_london <- sapply(1:length(GSE107991_metadata@gsms), FUN = get_info, meta = GSE107991_metadata)
infos_df_london <- cbind.data.frame(GSMID = names(GSE107991_metadata@gsms), 
rownames(infos_df_london) <- names(GSE107991_metadata@gsms)
colnames(infos_df_london)[-1] <- c("Cohort", "Location", "Set", "Status", "SampleName")

infos_sf <- sapply(1:length(GSE107992_metadata@gsms), FUN = get_info, meta = GSE107992_metadata)
infos_df_sf <- cbind.data.frame(GSMID = names(GSE107992_metadata@gsms), t(infos_sf))
rownames(infos_df_sf) <- names(GSE107992_metadata@gsms)
colnames(infos_df_sf)[-1] <- c("Cohort", "Location", "Set", "Status", "SampleName")

infos_leicester <- sapply(1:length(GSE107993_metadata@gsms), FUN = get_info, 
    meta = GSE107993_metadata)
infos_df_leicester <- cbind.data.frame(GSMID = names(GSE107993_metadata@gsms), 
rownames(infos_df_leicester) <- names(GSE107993_metadata@gsms)
colnames(infos_df_leicester)[-1] <- c("Cohort", "Location", "Status", "Set", 
infos_df_leicester <- infos_df_leicester[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6)]

infos_singhania <- rbind.data.frame(infos_df_london, infos_df_sf, infos_df_leicester)
expr_singhania_raw <- merge(x = merge(x = London_raw, y = SouthAfrica_raw, by = c(1:3)), 
    y = Leicester_raw, by = c(1:3))
expr_singhania_norm <- merge(x = merge(x = London_norm, y = SouthAfrica_norm, 
    by = c(1:3)), y = Leicester_norm, by = c(1:3))

save(infos_singhania, expr_singhania_raw, expr_singhania_norm, London_norm, 
    SouthAfrica_norm, Leicester_norm, file = "SinghaniaTB_data.Rdata")

Now let’s start from the data set expr_singhania_raw and replicate the normalization steps that were performed in (Singhania et al. 2018).


The counts matrix outputted from the alignement usually contains many genes that are never observed.

1.a) remove the genes that are never observed, i.e. with 0 counts in every samples using the dplyr::select(), rowSums() and dplyr::filter() functions.

## [1] 58051   242
# removing genes never observed
gene_no0 <- rowSums(dplyr::select(expr_singhania_raw, -dplyr::starts_with("Gene"))) > 
## gene_no0
##  6443 51608
expr_singhania_raw_no0 <- dplyr::filter(expr_singhania_raw, gene_no0)
## [1] 51608   242

Low counts are still badly understood by the community and their measure is less reliable than higher counts, therefore it is common to remove genes with very low counts. In particular, Singhania et al considered only genes “expressed with counts per million (CPM) > 2 in at least five samples” (such filters can seem a bit ad hoc).

1.b) Compute the counts per million and keep only the genes that have a cpm>2 in at least 5 samples.

NB: \(cpm(x_{ig}) = \dfrac{x_{ig} \times 1,000,000}{\sum_{g=1}^Gx_{ig}}\) with \(x_g\) the observed raw count for the gene \(g\) in sample \(i\).

mycpmfun <- function(x) {
    return((x/sum(x)) * 10^6)
cpm <- apply(dplyr::select(expr_singhania_raw_no0, -starts_with("Gene")), MARGIN = 2, 
    FUN = mycpmfun)
expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p <- dplyr::filter(expr_singhania_raw_no0, rowSums(cpm > 
    2) > 5)
## [1] 15190   242

1.c) Finally keep only the protein coding genes (i.e. for which Gene_biotype is protein_coding)

gene_pc <- expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p$Gene_biotype == "protein_coding"
## gene_pc
##  2763 12427
expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot <- filter(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p, gene_pc)
## [1] 12427   242


2.a) Display the boxplots of each samples \(log2\) raw counts (with the log2() function) alongside each other, as well as a barpot of the library sizes for each sample, colored by cohort location (tip: use “base R” graphics). Comment the need for normalization.

bp_col <- infos_singhania$Location
levels(bp_col) <- c("blue2", "gold", "green2")
boxplot(log2(select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, -starts_with("Gene"))), 
    col = as.character(bp_col), xlab = "Samples", ylab = "log2(raw counts)", 
    axes = FALSE)
legend("topright", c("London", "South Africa", "Leicester"), col = c("blue3", 
    "gold", "green2"), pch = 15, horiz = TRUE, bg = NA)

barplot(colSums(select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, -starts_with("Gene"))), 
    col = as.character(bp_col), xlab = "Samples", ylab = "Library size", names.arg = "")
legend("topright", c("London", "South Africa", "Leicester"), col = c("blue3", 
    "gold", "green2"), pch = 15, horiz = FALSE, bg = NA)

The sequencing depth problem is commonly treated with the TMM normalization. This normalization divides the raw count by the library size.

2.b) use the edgeR::calcNormFactors() function to compute the TMM normalization after converting the filtered count matrix to a DGEList object

singhaniaDGE <- DGEList(counts = select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, -starts_with("Gene")), 
    samples = infos_singhania, genes = select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, 
singhaniaDGE_normfact <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(singhaniaDGE, method = "TMM")

2.c) use the edgeR::cpm() function to return the filtered, TMM normalized, log2-Counts per million.

expr_singhania_no0_cpm2p_prot_TMMlog2cpm <- edgeR::cpm(singhaniaDGE_normfact, 
    log = TRUE)

2.d) Compare the obtained values to the one shared publicly.

## [1] 12427   239
## [1] 13441   242
expr_singhania_no0_cpm2p_prot_TMMlog2cpm[1:5, 1:4]
Berry_London_Sample1 Berry_London_Sample2 Berry_London_Sample3 Berry_London_Sample4
4.650241 4.164666 3.882906 4.606822
4.687757 4.603745 4.352406 4.709899
2.396327 2.096244 2.238437 1.914652
10.272096 9.998178 10.107998 9.845746
1.951596 1.866684 2.173530 1.558944
expr_singhania_norm[1:5, 4:7]
Berry_London_Sample1 Berry_London_Sample2 Berry_London_Sample3 Berry_London_Sample4
4.647009 4.193344 3.887871 4.603721
4.684619 4.633853 4.358676 4.707055
2.379097 2.107392 2.233367 1.891003
10.272479 10.032204 10.117594 9.846276
1.927926 1.873832 2.167779 1.528433

2.e) Display the boxplots of each samples \(log2\)-cpm normalized expressions alongside each other and comment.

bp_col <- infos_singhania$Location
levels(bp_col) <- c("blue2", "gold", "green2")
boxplot(expr_singhania_no0_cpm2p_prot_TMMlog2cpm, col = as.character(bp_col), 
    xlab = "Samples", ylab = "Normalized log2 cpm", axes = FALSE)
legend("topright", c("London", "South Africa", "Leicester"), col = c("blue3", 
    "gold", "green2"), pch = 15, horiz = TRUE, bg = NA)

2.f) Display the dendrogram of the hierarchical clusterings using Wards method and the Euclidean distance comparing the raw counts and the normalized \(log2\)-cpm.

deucl_raw <- dist(t(select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, -starts_with("Gene"))))
deucl_norm <- dist(t(expr_singhania_no0_cpm2p_prot_TMMlog2cpm))
plot(flashClust::hclust(deucl_raw, method = "ward"), labels = infos_singhania$Location)

plot(flashClust::hclust(deucl_norm, method = "ward"), labels = infos_singhania$Location)

Differential expression

Let’s now focus on the first analysis performed by Singhania et al., i.e. the analysis of the London Berry cohort alone, pooling together Latent TB and Controls to be compared to the Active TB individuals.

Research question & design matrix

3.a) Formulate the research question of interest here.

Which genes are significantly differnetially expressed bewteen the Active TB patients on the one hand, and the other patients (LTBI and Controls pooled together) in the London test dataset ?

3.b) With the function model.matrix() generate a model matrix for the (generalized) linear model that you will use to answer that question.

singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact <- singhaniaDGE_normfact[, singhaniaDGE_normfact$samples$Location == 
design <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~Status, data = infos_singhania[infos_singhania$Location == 
    "London", ]))
design <- mutate(design, ActiveTB = 1 - (StatusLTBI + StatusControl))
design <- select(design, -starts_with("Status"))

edgeR pipeline

(Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2010)

4.a) Using edgeR::estimateCommonDisp() add a (common) dispertion estimate to the DGE object

singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact_commondisp <- edgeR::estimateCommonDisp(singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact)

4.b) Using edgeR::glmFit() and edgeR::glmLRT() functions, identify the differentially expressed genes (adjusted p-value < 5% and | log-FoldChange | > 1 )

fit <- glmFit(singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact_commondisp, design)
lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef = 2)
signif_edgeR <- decideTestsDGE(lrt, adjust.method = "BH", p.value = 0.05, lfc = 1)
##        ActiveTB
## Down         49
## NotSig    12168
## Up          210
genelist_edgeR <- singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact_commondisp$genes$Gene_name[as.logical(signif_edgeR)]

voom-limma pipeline

(Smyth et al. 2002)

5.a) compute the precision weights with the limma::voom() function.

# estimate the heteroscedasticity weights
v <- voom(singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact, design, plot = TRUE)

5.b) now apply the limma pipeline with the functions limma::lmFit(), limma::eBayes() and limma::decideTests().

# fit the gaussian linear model with precision weights v
fit <- lmFit(v, design)
# Empirical Bayes test
fit <- eBayes(fit, robust = TRUE)
voomlimma_signif <- decideTests(fit, adjust.method = "BH", p.value = 0.05, lfc = 1)
##        (Intercept) ActiveTB
## Down           182       72
## NotSig        1124    12176
## Up           11121      179
genelist_voomlimma <- singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact_commondisp$genes$Gene_name[as.logical(voomlimma_signif)]


6.a) Using an Up-Set diagramm (Conway, Lex, and Gehlenborg 2017) with the UpSetR package, compare the results between edgeR and voom-limma

upset_data <- cbind.data.frame(voomlimma = abs(voomlimma_signif[, 2]), edgeR = abs(signif_edgeR[, 
upset(data = upset_data, main.bar.color = c("dodgerblue3", "red3", "purple4"), 
    sets.bar.color = c("red3", "dodgerblue3"))

6.b) Compare to the results from the Singhania et al. original article (in particular to the 373 gene signature). Can you list the elements that differed in their analysis compared to what you just did here ?


Conway, Jake R, Alexander Lex, and Nils Gehlenborg. 2017. “UpSetR: An R Package for the Visualization of Intersecting Sets and Their Properties.” Bioinformatics 33 (18): 2938–40.

Robinson, Mark D, Davis J McCarthy, and Gordon K Smyth. 2010. “EdgeR: A Bioconductor Package for Differential Expression Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data.” Bioinformatics 26 (1): 139–40.

Singhania, Akul, Raman Verma, Christine M Graham, Jo Lee, Trang Tran, Matthew Richardson, Patrick Lecine, et al. 2018. “A Modular Transcriptional Signature Identifies Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Human Tuberculosis Infection.” Nature Communications 9 (1): 2308.

Smyth, Gordon K, Matthew Ritchie, Natalie Thorne, James Wettenhall, Wei Shi, and Yifang Hu. 2002. “Limma: Linear Models for Microarray and Rna-Seq Data User’s Guide.”