p.adjust() function

Let’s start by looking at the help of the p.adjust function


Singhania voom-limma analysis

Now (re)compute the raw p-values from the empircial Bayes moderated t-test performed by the voom-limmaanalysis pipeline on the RNA-seq data on Tuberculosis infection from the Berry cohort in London analyzed in Singhania et al..

# removing genes never observed
gene_no0 <- rowSums(dplyr::select(expr_singhania_raw, -dplyr::starts_with("Gene"))) > 
expr_singhania_raw_no0 <- dplyr::filter(expr_singhania_raw, gene_no0)
# filter only genes with enough cpm
mycpmfun <- function(x) {
    return((x/sum(x)) * 10^6)
cpm <- apply(dplyr::select(expr_singhania_raw_no0, -starts_with("Gene")), MARGIN = 2, 
    FUN = mycpmfun)
expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p <- dplyr::filter(expr_singhania_raw_no0, rowSums(cpm > 
    2) > 5)
# filter only protein coding genes
gene_pc <- expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p$Gene_biotype == "protein_coding"
expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot <- filter(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p, gene_pc)
# normalize the data
singhaniaDGE <- DGEList(counts = select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, -starts_with("Gene")), 
    samples = infos_singhania, genes = select(expr_singhania_raw_no0_cpm2p_prot, 
singhaniaDGE_normfact <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(singhaniaDGE, method = "TMM")
# select only the london samples
singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact <- singhaniaDGE_normfact[, singhaniaDGE_normfact$samples$Location == 
# build the desired design matrix
design <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~Status, data = infos_singhania[infos_singhania$Location == 
    "London", ]))
design <- dplyr::mutate(design, ActiveTB = 1 - (StatusLTBI + StatusControl))
design <- dplyr::select(design, -starts_with("Status"))
# compute the precision weights necessary to account for heteroskedasticity
v <- voom(singhaniaLondonDGE_normfact, design, plot = FALSE)
# fit the gaussian linear model with precision weights v
fit <- lmFit(v, design)
# perform an Empirical Bayes modified t-test
fit <- eBayes(fit, robust = TRUE)

Multiple testing adjustment

  1. Retreive the raw p-values from the output of the limma::eBayes() function, and sort them in ascending order using the sort() function. Store them in a data frame alongside their rank.

  2. Using the various multiple testing correction methods from the class with the p.adjust() function, compare the number of significant genes.

  3. Display the different thresholds on a graph with all the pvalues on log-scale.

  4. Comment on the differences. Which correction would you chose and why ?